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September 16, 2013 Grand Theft Auto V arrives tomorrow!

Despite some early leaks, the vast majority of humans can’t pick up Grand Theft Auto V until tomorrow, September 17th. In traditional GTA fashion, “You can run the streets of a fully-realized world, steal cars, cause chaos and attempt to flee from an extraordinarily irritable police force,” […]

September 16, 2013 4 Reasons to Automate Your Drop Ship Process with a Cloud-based EDI Solution

Third-party drop shipping is increasingly popular in supply-chain management because it offers merchants an “endless aisle” without adding the extra costs associated with holding inventory. However, for many businesses, drop shipping is still a very manual process, which leads to inefficiencies, errors and less-optimal sales. Automating the […]

September 11, 2013 Sirius XM App Video

Sirius XM is definitely nothing new, but the improvements they’ve brought to their mobile app certainly are. The new version of the app lets you make the most minute adjustments to the type of music you want to listen to, and does so in a manner that’s […]

September 10, 2013 Could Mobile Responsive Website Design Hurt Your SEO?

Allow your jaw to become unhinged at this statistic: There are over 1 million more mobile devices activated every day across the world than there are babies born. Yeah, mind = blown. Indeed, designing with a mobile-first mindset becomes more important — quite literally — by the […]

September 9, 2013 Ebusiness and its Advantages

Ebusiness and its Advantages Ebusiness has completely changed the way we buy. You’ve probably experienced some advantages of ebusiness as a consumer, but if you’re thinking about starting your own online business, you might be asking, “What are the benefits of ebusiness?” Here are five advantages of […]

August 29, 2013 How to Start a Successful E-Commerce Business – 6 Tips

According to U.S. Census data , e-commerce sales are increasing at a rate faster than traditional offline retail sales, raking in approximately $190 billion in sales in 2011. So it’s no surprise that budding entrepreneurs and existing “bricks and mortar” businesses are turning to e-commerce as a […]

August 8, 2013 Creating Your Website for Users, Social Media; Conversions

Creating Your Website for Users, Social Media; Conversions The internet becomes more and more complex by the day with new social platforms, SEO techniques and search engine algorithm updates being deployed constantly. It takes focused determination to ingest, analyze and ultimately decide what to implement and what […]

August 7, 2013 The New Gmail Inbox:

The New Gmail Inbox: Gmail is patting themselves on the back this month, for making life easier on its users, by automatically sorting mail into categories to “put the Gmail user back in control with simple organization.” While I commend them on their efforts and agree that […]

August 7, 2013 5 Best Magento Extensions

5 Best Magento Extensions The Cart Closer We love this novel approach to cart abandonment! Through the tracking of mouse movements, Cart Closer can display special offers to shoppers in real-time, just before they attempt to abandon their cart. No need to wait to capture that potentially […]

July 15, 2013 4 Best jQuery Carousel Plugins

4 Best jQuery Carousel Plugins In web design, a jQuery carousel is an element giving visitors easy and visible access to several content items. It is typically a dynamic scrolling list of items in horizontal order where previous and next items are partially visible. The items, consisting […]


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