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ProDryers BigCommerce Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • API integration with Apple Pay
  • API integration with Google Services
  • API integration with PayPal
  • API integration with Shopper Approved
  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom API integration with LiveChat
  • Custom BigCommerce Theme
  • Integration with ClickCease
  • Integration with Cloudfare BigCommerce features list

Ask away, we're here to help! BigCommerce Migration: Everything You Need to Know About the Transformation

  • Why did migrate from Volusion to BigCommerce? migrated from Volusion to BigCommerce to leverage a more dynamic and robust e-commerce platform. This move was essential for enhancing functionality, improving user experience, and supporting the company's growth.

  • What improvements were made during the migration?

    The migration involved a comprehensive overhaul, including data migration, custom checkout system development, enhanced SEO strategies, and the integration of advanced search and navigation features.

  • How did MAKDigital ensure a smooth data migration?

    MAKDigital employed meticulous attention to detail in synchronizing and configuring all data points. By leveraging both Volusion and BigCommerce APIs, we ensured the seamless transfer of product data and intricate option selections, preserving data integrity throughout the process.

  • What custom features were implemented on the new BigCommerce site?

    We implemented a custom-branded checkout system with complex product rules, mega navigation, filtered search, and Nextopia search features. These enhancements were designed to streamline the purchasing process and improve the overall user experience.

  • How did the migration impact's SEO?

    MAKDigital executed a comprehensive SEO strategy, including creating a new site map, configuring 301 redirects, and integrating ShopperApproved reviews. These efforts preserved and improved's SEO rank, enhancing search engine visibility and online credibility.

  • What role did custom API integrations play in the redesign?

    Custom API integrations were pivotal in the redesign, enabling seamless functionality with Apple Pay, Google Services, PayPal, Shopper Approved, and LiveChat. These integrations improved user experience and streamlined payment and communication processes.

  • How did the redesign enhance the user experience?

    The redesign introduced a modern, intuitive layout with improved navigation, search functionality, and a streamlined checkout process. These changes made it easier for customers to find products and complete purchases, significantly improving user satisfaction.

  • What technologies were leveraged in the new BigCommerce site?

    The new site utilized BigCommerce Stencil, Apple Pay, PayPal Processing, ClickCease Security, Cloudfare CDN, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and LiveChat Services. These technologies contributed to a robust, secure, and user-friendly e-commerce platform.

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