3 Effective Ways to Help Your Clients Get Their Products Seen and Sold

seen and soldNew stores are on the rise and so are the various products that are marketed. At the end of 2014, Shopify was hosting 140,000 online stores and that number is rapidly growing. Shopify is now hosting over 175,000 merchants. Creative marketing is a great way a store can get noticed among all the rest. What can be done to make a product stand out?

A strong and innovative way to achieve the framework for marketing products online is as simple as 3 easy steps . Whether it is a new bike or a key chain, this approach can help clients weed through the mess and be noticed among st the rest.

Always start from beginning with the best products. The product a client is selling is of certain quality and meets the needs or desires of the client base. If a product is at the lower spectrum of quality and doesn’t meet the consumers needs, it will be like fighting an endless battle A product is being sold that is no good, that is a con. Begin with quality of a product helps alleviate someones problems or aspirations of one’s desires. A product either fits the criteria or or it doesn’t.
Knowing a customer by what they want to buy gives the merchant a better understanding of the customers needs. Most products are not for everyone it is nearly impossible to sell to all. Narrow the efforts towards a specified group.

3 Ways Your You Can Help Your Clients Products Be Seen and Sold:

1. Tell the right story

“Your product story = why it matters.”

Why not What. Why is a strong motivator. Why does a product matter to your potential customers? What aspirations does this product meet? Why does it exist and why does it matter? This an effective strategy when answers to these questions are telling people a story and why they need this product. Read them the Before the story and After the story of the product.

From the initial development of a proprietary eCommerce platform, to now specializing in Volusion web development and design,Mak has been at the forefront in custom eCommerce website development since as early as 2001.



Mak Digital Design is a small, privately held company. Here at Mak , we specialize in creating beautiful, clean, functional websites and take pride in our ability to custom-tailor each one to perfectly fit your needs and desires.

This isn’t our first rodeo; we’ve been doing this for a long time. Not only do we have a decade of experience in building and designing sites, we also have experience in creating successful ones. We have our own successful eCommerce businesses, and we take the knowledge and wisdom acquired through the years and apply it to your new site. And to top it all off, our experience is growing exponentially. Some of us still work for enterprise-level eCommerce website providers, and we are constantly getting exposure to what the greatest players in all of eCommerce are doing. We know what is cutting edge now, what is on the horizon, and most of all – we know how to apply it to your business.

We do what we love, and love what we do. Our work is testament to that.

Mak Digital Design is experienced in developing powerful, custom-tailored Volusion websites that are both unique and beautiful. Off the shelf Volusion templates are good enough for some people, but not you; you’re better than that and we know it. So here at Mak Digital designs, we believe that great user experience combined with stunning interface design makes for a successful digital product. It’s not enough to be good enough.

The right story can mold the whole marketing strategy and is a strong asset. With the wrong story, that product can potentially get lost among the mass of stores and products.

2. Collect the right brand assets

Once the “why” is known, and understood to buying party, start by gathering the right brands to tell a story. Helping clients “tool up” and help them understand what they need.

Recently a study was done on Consumer Psychology and E-Commerce Checkouts and it was noted that 92.6% said that, “visuals were the dominating factor affecting a purchase decision.”It seems pretty apparent that is conclusive to those who have used the website before. Not liking the the way the product looks in the provided images, will send consumers elsewhere. Often, products are the same but purchased elsewhere due to the photos.

Don’t profess to be an expert in brand photography unless you are one. Find one and partner with them and let them know exactly what is needed to tell your story. With the brand story dictating the content of the photos, will shoot with each medium in mind: website homepage, Instagram photo, Facebook header, sidebar advertising and so on.


Pictures are worth a thousand words as they say. Take the site ForeverGolden.com. Every detail can be seen giving a consumer a detailed look into their future purchase.












Using brand imagery, be sure to give your copy just as much attention. A well crafted story is hard to create but with a photo done correctly, it’s is still effective.These two are a stunning duo. Remember if necessary, partner with a copywriter and recommend their services to your client. I also suggest writing copy for your product launch announcement, media release, social media and email marketing. Having copy written out in advance and carefully planned across all channels will ensure that your story and message is clear, consistent, and effective.

3. Find the right partners

With the right partner, reaching an audience that may not have been affordable or imagine to reach alone. The right partner will spread the word faster and will open doors to tell the story to new markets segments.

“The best partnerships are based on an equal exchange of value. “

Create a win-win relationship 

Partnerships are based on equality. The value offered by the merchant and the value offered by the partner allows an opportunity to establish a joint venture based on equal exchange of value. Be sure to write down the partnership agreements that are clear enough to distinguish merchant part and expectations as well as the expected partner’s. Know exactly what is being agreeing to.

A partner of true value will have the attention and engagement of new and possibly, larger segments of a targeted audience. When looking for ideal partners, assess their social media engagement, email database size, email open and click through rates, and website traffic. This is a good indication whether or not they will be able to provide business outcomes for the client. Also, make sure there is a natural connection with the client’s product story.

An example of equal exchange of value is one partner might have a reasonable sized email database with a 50% open rate but very low engagement on social media. A potential partner may have no email database, but has great reach on social media. An agreement could be made utilising these two marketing channels to establish a win-win venture. Indulge in creativity and come up with ways to get a client’s story and product in front of new groups of the right people.

Remember: The magic is in the hustle

There is a difference between a good product the sells well and a good product that doesn’t. Hard work and promotions of the product is the real magic. Commit to let people know why the product matters and may continue to give them connections with the brand and buy the product.



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SINCE 2002 guaranteed FR for the life of the garment.No product failures or recalls.Skin Safe.Less than 1% return rate. Specialize in products for warm weather climates. Controlled .


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There are too many people out there spending time and money developing online stores and have nothing left for marketing. That ends up leaving their store sitting there, vulnerable and stagnant.

Thomas A. Edison once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

This is true in selling products online. Those who win are the ones who work hard at marketing their product. They don’t build it, then sit there waiting. If you do so and think that the sales will roll in, they won’t. Everyday is a hustle to make you and your brand succeed.

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