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Custom Templates + Webpages:

Services Completed:

Applications & Integrations:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Hosted Libraries
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Integration with Cloudfare
  • Justuno Cart Abandonment
  • Paypal Solutions
  • Volusion Theme
Vulcan Strength Training Systems Volusion Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom Parent/Child Product Grid
  • Instagram feed implementation
  • Responsive Design
  • Reviews Implementation
Vulcan Strength Training Systems Volusion  features list

Ask away, we're here to help! Volusion Website Redesign: Everything You Need to Know About the Transformation

  • Why did Vulcan® Strength decide to redesign their Volusion website?

    Vulcan® Strength sought to modernize their online presence to better reflect the high quality and reputation of their strength training equipment. The outdated Volusion store was not effectively showcasing their diverse product line or catering to their growing customer base.

  • What were the main challenges Vulcan® Strength faced with their previous website?

    The primary challenges included an outdated design, poor user engagement, and a lack of features that could enhance product discovery and user experience. The website also needed improvements in mobile responsiveness to cater to a wider audience.

  • What were the primary goals of the Vulcan® Strength website redesign project?

    The main goals were to revitalize the online experience, effectively showcase the diverse product line, enhance user engagement, streamline product discovery, and boost overall online performance.

  • How did MAKDigital approach the redesign project for Vulcan® Strength?

    MAKDigital implemented a comprehensive redesign focusing on a modern aesthetic and mobile responsiveness. Custom features like Mega Navigation, a dynamic Parent/Child Product Grid, seamless Reviews Implementation, and Instagram feed integration were introduced to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the online store.

  • What specific technologies and integrations were used in the redesign?

    The redesign utilized technologies and integrations including Google Analytics, Google Hosted Libraries, Google Tag Manager, Cloudfare integration, Justuno Cart Abandonment, and Paypal Solutions. The Volusion theme was customized to meet the specific needs of Vulcan® Strength.

  • What custom features and functionalities were implemented?

    Custom features included a complex Mega Navigation for intuitive browsing, a dynamic Parent/Child Product Grid, seamless Reviews Implementation, Instagram feed integration, and a responsive design optimized for mobile and tablet users.

  • What improvements were seen after the website redesign?

    The redesign resulted in significant improvements, including over a 60% increase in conversion rates, over a 40% surge in traffic, and a substantial 60% rise in new mobile/tablet users. These metrics highlight the success of the project in enhancing user engagement and overall online performance.

  • How did the partnership with MAKDigital benefit Vulcan® Strength?

    The collaboration with MAKDigital led to a visually appealing, user-friendly site that significantly improved key performance metrics. The effective implementation of modern e-commerce solutions enhanced the shopping experience, driving better engagement, higher sales, and increased customer satisfaction.

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