Using the Fetch as Google tool to index content
Using the Fetch as Google tool to index content
Using the Fetch as Google tool to index content as one of your marketing tricks will help to put your content in front of Google searchers much faster. Make sure to keep this in mind when creating content, also implementing it to get your content found sooner. Here at MAKDigitalDesign, we have implemented this tool to ensure content is in front of Google as soon as possible!
When publishing web pages or blog posts onto your site, it can sometimes take weeks or even months and to show up in the Google search results. In reality, it should be Fetched right away. Then you can know your desired search engine results will quickly appear. The Fetch as Google option also gives you the opportunity to submit your URL to the index. Unfortunately, this tool is often under-utilized by web masters, bloggers, and SEO strategists. This is a convenient way to have your new content discovered and found in the SERPs. The more savvy marketers will ensure that any new content is included in their XML sitemap and then resubmit their sitemap to Google, Bing, & Yahoo. Submitting your link to the index using the Fetch as Google tool is like pressing a magic button. Google states that they will crawl the URL using this method usually within a day, however, web pages and blog posts can show up in the SERPs in less than 5 minutes of using this tool in some cases.
The Fetch tool is easy to use. Try it out… I’ve provided the steps below.
Step #1
- From the Google Webmaster Tools home screen, select the domain name, expand the Crawl menu, and then click Fetch as Google menu link.
Step #2
- Enter your webpage or blog URL into the input field, leaving out the domain name, and click the FETCH button.
Step #3
- First verify that the Fetch Status was successful. If Googlebot can successfully fetch your page, you can submit that page to the Google index. Just click the Submit to index button.
You can submit the URL itself , or the URL any/all pages linked from it
URL: Select if your page is new/recently updated. (Google doesn’t guarantee to index all submitted URLs.)
URL & all linked pages: Select if you’ve made significant changes to your site. Google will use this URL as a starting point in indexing your site content. (Google doesn’t guarantee to index all pages on your site.
Applying these steps will allow you to sit back and watch your desired search engine results quickly appear!