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Custom Templates + Webpages:

Services Completed:

Applications & Integrations:

medd max BigCommerce Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom BundleB2B implemintation.
  • Custom Categories template allowing browser to shop by Industry
  • Custom mobile navigation component developed with React
  • Custom side cart component developed with React
  • Custom Theme Design & Development
  • Custom tiered price display on product page
  • Custom Wholesale registration form
  • Data Migration from Wix
  • SEO Optimized Hompage
meddmax BigCommerce features list

Ask away, we're here to help!

MeddMax BigCommerce Re-Design: Everything You Need to Know About the MeddMax BigCommerce Site Overhaul

  • Why did Medd Max decide to migrate from Wix to BigCommerce?

    Medd Max needed to enhance their website's functionality and performance to better compete in the market. Their Wix site had minimal features and design, which prompted them to seek a more robust platform.

  • What were the main objectives of the website migration and redesign for Medd Max?

    The primary goals were to migrate data from Wix to BigCommerce, create a custom BigCommerce theme, add B2B capabilities using BigCommerce Integrated Bundle B2B, and ensure the site was mobile-friendly with responsive design.

  • What improvements were made to enhance the user experience on the new Medd Max website?

    MAK Digital focused on simplifying navigation, creating a more professional appearance, and ensuring a seamless user journey from landing page to checkout. They implemented a new navigation system to support new products and categories.

  • What custom templates and pages were developed for the new Medd Max website?

    Custom templates and pages include the Home page, Category Templates, Product Template, My Account, Contact Us, About Us, and Wholesale pages.

  • What services did MAK Digital provide for Medd Max's website migration and redesign?

    Services provided included Art Direction/Web Design, UI Design, UX Design, BigCommerce Development, BigCommerce Integrations, BigCommerce Data Migrations, and a BigCommerce SEO Audit & Transition.

  • What applications and integrations were added to the new Medd Max website?

    Integrations added include BigCommerce Stencil, Avalara Tax, Rewind Backups, Searchanise, Shipper HQ, Accessibe, BundleB2B, and ShipStation.

  • How did the redesign improve the B2B capabilities of Medd Max's website?

    The integration of BundleB2B enhanced the website's ability to handle B2B transactions, pricing, and customer accounts, ensuring the site could support the growing needs of their B2B customers.

  • What was the impact of the redesign on Medd Max's website performance and user confidence?

    The redesign provided a more professional appearance and feel, improved navigation, and a seamless user experience, making customers more confident in purchasing from a reputable medical supply distributor.

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