Ecommerce 101: How to Ask a Support Question
Today the world virtually runs online. Customers have become accustom to fast and efficient communication. With Volusion software, there are many features and tools to help assist you meet the online-demands of today. You may feel overwhelmed with these options given to you by Volusion, not knowing which one meets your business’s demands. Take a deep breath and relax, there is a Volusion Customer Experience team waiting to dedicate their time to give you fast answers for your questions and helping you troubleshoot the software for your business. When reaching out to this team, remember to keep these quick tips in mind so you can get back to your business!
Clear Communication
As you provide a clear, satisfying interaction to your customers, Volusion strives to do the same for you. When reaching out to the technical team of Volusion, make sure you are explaining all of your troubleshooting issues in a clear way. When you first reach out to this team, it is a good idea to remember the three W’s:
Where. Where did the issue occur?
What. What were you doing at the time? What was the result?
When. When did it first occur? When did it stop? (if stopped)
Answering these questions while writing your ticket or making your phone call can clarify a lot of back-and-forth confusion between you and the support team. Do NOT be vague. Telling a team member “I want to change how my titles look” will cause more questions than answers. “I want to change the color of my navigation menus from black to red” is a much more clear way of voicing your issue.
Details, Details, Details
Volusion’s Customer Experience team is here to help you with any and all technical questions you may have. The software has many, many features and tools that can help you for whatever your business needs are. Due to the fact there is a wide variety of powerful tools, remember to use as much detail as possible when explaining the technical problem to the team. Such as: where you were when you encountered this issue, what you were doing, the steps you took to get there, and what you were trying to accomplish before this “issue” popped up. If you intact all these details, the team can find the root of the issue and assist you out of it.
Furthermore, it is very important to also include any steps you may have taken to troubleshoot the issue. Include if you have cleared your browser’s cache and cookies and restarted it. Also, including the page(s) this error occurred on, if it is a reoccurring issue, and if the issue was reported to you by a customer will help the team track down this issue’s root and cause.
When you try to add as much detail about the problem as possible, sometimes you can forget to keep it simple and expressed clearly. Specify what the important and relevant details are to this current issue you are experiencing. If you have a troubleshoot problem with one of your product’s pages, copying the entire error’s page text will not be enough detail for the team members to address the issue. The support team will not know the context of this error. You must remember to include how the error page was found, what product, and (if you have multiple stores under one account) let Volusion know which store you are having troubles with! Specifying certain details can skip a lot of initial questions the Support Team may have.
Attaching a photo of the issue can help the team out tremendously. Although, submitting the photo alone without context will cause the Volusions team to have more questions for you than answers. When attaching a photo, make sure to include how you came to see it. It is also always a good idea to describe what is seen in the image briefly.
Important Tips: when submitting your ticket it is always a good idea to submit it through your Volusions account instead of by e-mail. Although it may be easier for YOU to submit a ticket through email, the Volusions team has to answer security questions before answering any store-specific questions due to the fact an email can be from anyone! You should also have your security questions ready when you get in contact with Volusions support department, just in case.
Just remember, when contacting the Volusion Support Team, have clear communication, don’t leave out any details, and keeping it simple but direct will help the team help you better and faster. Keep these tips you have read above in mind for an efficient interaction. The Volusions team wants to see your business strive to perfection and meet your customers needs with little to no errors as possible.