4 Old-School Methods That Hit Your SEO Target

4 Old-School Methods That Hit Your SEO Target

4 Old-School Methods That Hit Your SEO Target The recent updates of Google’s ranking algorithms have triggered uncertainty and doubts among the webmasters. Are there still some tactics that can be used to create backlinks? Yes, off-course! But a few methods are shuffled to the “not-to-do list”. […]

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Website Speed Invigorates the Site Rankings

Website Speed Invigorates the Site Rankings

Website Speed Invigorates the Site Rankings The Google SERPs have evolved with time. It has been constantly improving its algorithm to categorize sites according to the relevance of keywords and other minor factors taken into account. Website speed is one of them. Website speed’s relevance to improve […]

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On-Page Content Fetch You Quality Links in 7 Simple Steps

On-Page Content Fetch You Quality Links in 7 Simple Steps

On-Page Content Fetch You Quality Links in 7 Simple Steps Links building can be good without making changes to the on-page changes. Your page may rank among top 10 for definite keywords by building lots of links, but it does not guarantee any gain in new customers […]

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How NOT to use #Hashtags

How NOT to use #Hashtags

How NOT to use #Hashtags Last week Janelle Monáe welcomed the #SuperBowl week with a thrilling performance at Lehman Centre for Performing Arts in the Bronx. During the performance, I was all over the twitter to be updated about the concert as twitter was flowed with photos […]

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Best SEO practices for 2014

Best SEO practices for 2014

Best SEO practices for 2014 Rapid change, flexibility and fluidity are some the characteristics of the SEO game, which continues to change at a frantic pace. The SEO practices once considered the best and most effective are lagging behind and can even be considered damaging for online […]

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To self-learn WordPress or enroll for an online course?

To self-learn WordPress or enroll for an online course?

Should you self-learn Word Press or enroll for an online course? If you want to take your words to the World Wide Web then you should consider learning WordPress, the world’s most popular Content Management System in great demand today. If you are a novice to the […]

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Explore the advantages of Volusion

Volusion is one of the finest e-commerce platforms that the business owners will come across. It is not only ideal for hosting plenty of websites but is a one stop solution for all types of queries related to e-commerce web solutions. Owing to the excellent features only, […]

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How to add Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking to Your Volusion Site

Here is how to get Google analytics eCommerce tracking set up on your site: First copy the basic Google Analytics code: Go to google.com/analytics and either sign up or add a new profile. Hopefully you know how to do this, if not just google it. Go to […]

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Grand Theft Auto V arrives tomorrow!

Despite some early leaks, the vast majority of humans can’t pick up Grand Theft Auto V until tomorrow, September 17th. In traditional GTA fashion, “You can run the streets of a fully-realized world, steal cars, cause chaos and attempt to flee from an extraordinarily irritable police force,” […]

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Sirius XM App Video

Sirius XM is definitely nothing new, but the improvements they’ve brought to their mobile app certainly are. The new version of the app lets you make the most minute adjustments to the type of music you want to listen to, and does so in a manner that’s […]

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