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Custom Templates + Webpages:

Services Completed:

Applications & Integrations:

  • PayPal Marketing Solutions
  • Google Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Volusion
Bike bling Volusion Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom chat functionality
  • Custom filtered Search
  • Custom Shopping Cart
  • Free Shipping Counter
Bikebling Volusion  features list

Ask away, we're here to help! Volusion Website Redesign: Everything You Need to Know About the Transformation

  • Why did decide to redesign their website? aimed to update their website design and incorporate multiple custom features to enhance user experience and functionality, aligning with their brand vision.

  • What challenges did face with their previous website?

    The previous website lacked modern design elements and custom features such as Mega Navigation, Filtered Search, and Custom Chat functionality. These limitations hindered user experience and the overall efficiency of the site.

  • What were the primary goals of the website redesign project?

    The main goals were to modernize the website design, introduce custom features, enhance user experience, and create a more professional and brand-consistent online presence.

  • How did MAKDigital approach the redesign project for

    MAKDigital utilized the latest Responsive Design Technology and Volusion platform to create a modern and user-friendly website. They focused on incorporating custom features such as Mega Navigation, Filtered Search, Custom Chat functionality, and a Free Shipping counter.

  • What specific custom features were implemented in the redesign?

    The redesign included complex Mega Navigation, Custom Chat functionality, Filtered Search, a Free Shipping counter, and a Custom Shopping Cart to improve user experience and functionality.

  • How did the redesign improve the overall user experience on

    The redesign enhanced the homepage, category pages, and product pages, emphasizing key products with a modern layout and optimized navigation. This streamlined the purchasing process, reduced clutter, and provided immediate information to customers, enhancing overall user engagement.

  • What improvements were seen after the website redesign?

    The website saw significant improvements in user experience, functionality, and brand consistency. The introduction of custom features and a modern design contributed to a more professional online presence, reinforcing BikeBling's position in the online bicycle industry.

  • How did the partnership with MAKDigital benefit

    The collaboration with MAKDigital led to a strategic and successful website redesign that aligned with Kerry's vision. The expertise of MAKDigital and the capabilities of the Volusion platform resulted in a modern, user-friendly, and brand-consistent website, boosting BikeBling's online presence and user engagement.

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