BigCommerce New and improved discount rules

New and improved discount rules

BigCommerce Discount Rules

Your chances to increase conservation with discounting just got easier with two existing rule
changes and one new rule. With the new rule, you get to offer an amount or percentage off a
product with your minimum purchase. You now have the ability to offer a percentage discount
on a X amount off purchase orders of a certain $ amount or more. You now also have the
ability to offer a certain amount off in all of the items in one category or more. Our goal is to
help you increase sales and to help you do so, more improvements are currently in the process
until the end of the year.

Custom fields added to product filtering

In order for your business to be easier to product search, we now have a new feature called
product filtering; which support custom fields; allowing you to tailor your product. An example is
filtering by watchband width, material type and diamond quality. Also, you are now able to
import and export custom fields to set up product filters. BigCommerce offers product filtering.
Survey: How do you advertise?
In order to increase sales, we are building new tools, but need to know how you promote your
business by advertising and we would ask that you take our advertising survey to help us
improve the future of our marketing tools.

BigCommerce Great eCommerce Platform
New and featured apps

The three newest and most popular apps on BigCommerce this month are as follows:
­StitchLabs: This is where orders, inventory, sales channels and customers get analytical insight
in order to grow and are centrally managed.
­InStockNotify: Allows customers to enter their email and be automatically notified when their
product is back in stock.
­GoDataFeed: Pushes your product to 100+ shopping channels for an outreach of millions of
new customers.

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