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Custom Templates + Webpages:

Services Completed:

Applications & Integrations:

  • BigCommerce - eCommerce Platform
  • Google Analytics - Statistics
  • Facebook Pixel - Statistics
  • MailChimp - Email Marketing
  • Searchanise - Complex Search Provider
  • reCAPTCHA - Security
  • Cloudfare - Content Delivery Network
  • Segment - Customer Data Platform
  • PayPal - Payment Processor
tiki master BigCommerce Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Updated BigCommerce Node Version
  • Custom About us page
  • Custom Contact us page
  • Custom Gift Cert page
  • Custom Mega Navigation using custom React Component
  • Custom Mobile Navigation using custom React Component
  • Custom Side Cart using custom React Component
  • Full site re-design
  • Multiple custom category page templates
  • Searchanise implementation
  • SEO best practices and use cases within Theme build
  • Theme Build using BigCommerce Stencil technology
tiki master BigCommerce features list

Ask away, we're here to help! BigCommerce Website Redesign: Everything You Need to Know About the Digital Transformation

  • Why did TikiMaster decide to redesign their website?

    TikiMaster recognized the need to modernize their outdated website design, improve performance, and enhance mobile-friendly and B2C functionalities to maintain their leadership in the tropical decor industry.

  • What were the main goals of the TikiMaster website redesign project?

    The main goals were to update the website framework to align with the latest BigCommerce version, complete a full site redesign, improve site speed and performance, and optimize the user experience across all devices.

  • What specific enhancements were made to the user experience on TikiMaster's new website?

    Enhancements included a modern tropical aesthetic, custom homepage design, custom mega navigation, multiple category page templates, a custom gift card section, and a seamless browsing and checkout experience with a side-cart feature.

  • What custom templates and pages were developed for the new TikiMaster website?

    Custom templates and pages include the Home page, Category Template, Product Template, My Account, Contact Us, About Us, and Gift Certificate pages.

  • What services did MAKDigital provide for TikiMaster's website redesign?

    Services provided included Art Direction/Web Design, UI Design, UX Design, BigCommerce Development, BigCommerce Integrations, and a BigCommerce SEO Audit & Transition.

  • What applications and integrations were added to the new TikiMaster website?

    Integrations added include Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, MailChimp, Searchanise, reCAPTCHA, Cloudflare, Segment, and PayPal.

  • How did the redesign improve the SEO and performance of TikiMaster's website?

    The redesign involved implementing SEO best practices, optimizing meta tags and content structure, and significantly improving site speed and performance, as reflected in improved Google PageSpeed Insights scores.

  • What impact did the new BigCommerce website have on TikiMaster's eCommerce performance?

    The new website provided a modern, visually captivating design, enhanced functionality, and improved performance, resulting in a seamless and immersive user experience. The optimized site is better prepared to meet current and future eCommerce needs, positioning TikiMaster for long-term success.

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