Mastering Responsive Web Design: Tips for Success

Mastering Responsive Web Design: Tips for Success

Responsive web design ensures your website works well on any device, from desktops to smartphones. As more people use mobile devices, a responsive design is crucial. This article covers essential principles and techniques of responsive web design to enhance user experience. Key Takeaways Responsive web design ensures […]

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Mobile Optimization for eCommerce: Boost Customer Experience & Sales

Mobile Optimization for eCommerce: Boost Customer Experience & Sales

The shift towards mobile shopping has been dramatic and irreversible. Smartphones are no longer just communication devices; they’re powerful mini-computers we carry everywhere. Consumers have embraced the convenience of browsing product catalogs, researching features, and purchasing directly from their mobile devices. This trend has fundamentally reshaped the […]

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Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD) is a modern approach to web development that ensures a website’s layout and content automatically adjust to fit the screen size and resolution of the device it’s being viewed on. This adaptability is crucial in an era where internet browsing is not confined […]

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Top 6 Ways To Build a Better Relationship With Your B2B E-commerce Customer

Top 6 Ways To Build a Better Relationship With Your B2B E-commerce Customer

  Top 6 Ways To Build a Better Relationship With Your B2B E-commerce Customer     In previous years, the B2B e-commerce world has developed swiftly and their brands have admittedly awakened to this fact. According to a study carried out by Forrester Research, 67% of North […]

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7 E-commerce Design Trends For 2020

7 E-commerce Design Trends For 2020

  7 E-commerce Design Trends For 2020     Some of the design trends that ruled in 2019 are mobile responsiveness, video, AI chatbots, etc. Now that we are going into 2020, as a designer or an e-commerce business owner, you should get familiar with some of […]

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Creating an E-Commerce Site - The Price Tag

Creating an E-Commerce Site – The Price Tag

Business owners will need to consider the cost of an E-Commerce website in two cases, a store redesign, or when starting fresh. No matter what the reason behind it is, if the business isn’t aware of all the costs behind designing a website, then things are sure […]

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Creating a Successful Navigation

Creating a Successful Navigation

An important thing to consider in any e-commerce site is the navigation experience. How does your customer get from point A to point B in the best way possible? This means having it easily accessible, streamlined and to the point, mobile optimized, and look as good as […]

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BigCommerce WordPress Plugin

BigCommerce WordPress Plugin

MakDigital Design is proud to be a supporter of the latest and greatest technology in the Ecommerce Industry – with the recent release of the BigCommerce official plugin for WordPress sites. This will be an excellent tool for the progression of ecommerce businesses looking to broaden their […]

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Ecommerce Predictions for 2017

Ecommerce Predictions for 2017

  A lot has advanced in development in the world of ecommerce since 2016. Whether its leaps in social media to stretching the reaches of omnichannel strategies, some significant progression was made in ecommerce. With such fast pace progression you have to wonder what’s next for 2017. […]

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6 Effective Ways to Increase Your User Experience

6 Effective Ways to Increase Your User Experience

6 Effective Ways to Increase Your User Experience When establishing a modern business, it’s inevitable that at some point you’re going to need to create a website.   A website is extremely effective for businesses as it helps educate your potential customers on all the information and services […]

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