Tutorial : Setting up an Instagram account for your business

Tutorial : Setting up an Instagram account for your business

Over 300 million active accounts are on Instagram, so it isn’t just a niche social networking site anymore; it’s a force to be reckoned with, and one that your business should certainly use. It’s a streamlined platform that drops the features of competing social network sites and […]

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Moving a WordPress Website from HTTP to HTTPS/SSL(INSTRUCTION)

Moving a WordPress Website from HTTP to HTTPS/SSL(INSTRUCTION)

Google has recently announced that is will start using HTTPS as a ranking signal. This has implications for your website and whether it uses a HTTP or HTTPS protocols. For now, however, it’s only a very lightweight signal affecting fewer than 1% of global search queries, and […]

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CSS3's New Font-Display Property is here!

CSS3’s New Font-Display Property is here!

These days, we take web fonts way for granted. We didn’t always have the option of having almost any typeface at our fingertips for our text. Technically, we could, but then we would be stuck knowing that our fancy fonts would only be visible on a handful […]

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Top 14 E-commerce Platforms in 2017

Top 14 E-commerce Platforms in 2017

With Black Friday/Cyber Monday just a few weeks away, it’s time to get clients set up and ready to sell. The list of solutions to choose from keeps on getting longer, so how do you pick which one to go with? Start with a list of features […]

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Learn how the BBB can help your SEO.

Learn how the BBB can help your SEO.

Ive looked at many websites for home service company, and while some look great that have great photos and navigations that are even mobile responsive, some look like they were built 20 years ago and never updated once. These companies often proudly feature various accreditations that companies […]

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How to Make WordPress Images Responsive

How to Make WordPress Images Responsive

WordPress is very powerful, its why people love it. Its free, opensource, and has a huge community supporting it. Making a responsive theme and integrating it is pretty easy once you know the basics of theming. Responsive images, on the other hand, are not something WordPress deals […]

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Use these easy tips and tricks to speed up your WordPress website

Use these easy tips and tricks to speed up your WordPress website

Your WordPress site can become slowed down for a number of reasons. Anywhere from bloated code, poor hosting performance, or a plugin that is malfunctioning. Figuring out exactly what is slowing you down is difficult enough, but what is even more difficult is that some of the […]

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The Complete Beginner's Guide To Understanding The Power of Backlinks

The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Understanding The Power of Backlinks

We have compiled a rank of many websites including MAKs own pages for very competitive keywords and it’s all a direct result of our efforts in link building. If you’re a complete novice to SEO, then probably you’ve heard that the number one way to rank your […]

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Supreme Guide to Social Media Marketing for Web Designer's

Supreme Guide to Social Media Marketing for Web Designer’s

With an overwhelming number of new and unique social networks entering the market, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay focused, or even gain a significant benefit of being a member of any social networks at all. Social media has become so engrained in people’s lives, often […]

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Upgrade your E-Commerce Game for WordPress

Upgrade your E-Commerce Game for WordPress

There are quite a few options on the WordPress platform for E-commerce plugins, both paid and free. However, the User Experience with many of these plugins though, can be very lacking. So that’s where the MarketPress ecommerce plugin comes in. It was designed SPECIFICALLY because the developers […]

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