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Custom Templates + Webpages:

Services Completed:

Applications & Integrations:

barn door BigCommerce Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom API integration with Searchanise
  • Custom API integration with Shopper Approved
  • Custom component for easy product bundling
  • Custom filtering using Searchanise API
  • Custom Integration with
  • Custom Integration with Vimeo
  • Custom up-sell side cart component
pro armory BigCommerce features list

Ask away, we're here to help! BigCommerce Website Redesign: Everything You Need to Know About the Digital Transformation

  • Why did Pro Armory decide to redesign their website?

    Pro Armory sought to elevate their online presence, enhance the shopping experience, and meet the evolving expectations of firearm enthusiasts, law enforcement professionals, and avid shooters. They recognized the need for a modern, user-friendly platform to stay ahead in the rapidly growing market.

  • What were the main objectives of Pro Armory's website redesign?

    The main objectives were to create a cutting-edge online platform that showcases their extensive range of top-quality firearms and accessories, offers a seamless user experience, improves search engine optimization (SEO) results, and establishes Pro Armory as a leader in the industry.

  • What custom templates and pages were developed for Pro Armory's new website?

    Custom templates and pages include the Home page, Category Template, Product Template, My Account, Contact Us, Blog, and Gift Certificate pages.

  • What services did MAK Digital provide for Pro Armory's website redesign?

    Services provided included Art Direction/Web Design, UI Design, UX Design, BigCommerce Development, BigCommerce Integrations, BigCommerce Data Migrations, and a BigCommerce SEO Audit & Transition.

  • What applications and integrations were added to the new website?

    Integrations added include Rewind data backups, Searchanise Search, ShipperHQ, Shopper Approved Reviews, Ship Station, for Content Management, and Vimeo for Video Content.

  • How did the redesign improve the user experience (UX) on Pro Armory's website?

    The redesign featured a refreshed homepage layout, intuitive category page navigation, enhanced search functionality, modern visual elements, and an overall user-centric design, making it easier for customers to find and purchase products.

  • What role did SEO play in the redesign of Pro Armory's website?

    SEO optimization was a key focus, with efforts directed towards improving content layout and meta tags to enhance search engine visibility, attract a wider audience, and increase organic traffic.

  • What was the outcome of the website redesign for Pro Armory?

    The redesigned website offers a visually stunning, user-friendly interface with advanced functionalities, positioning Pro Armory as a leader in the firearms industry. The new design has enhanced the shopping experience, improved SEO results, and enabled Pro Armory to meet the demands of their growing customer base.

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Arms & Ammo Case Studies