Best SEO practices for 2014

Best SEO practices for 2014

Rapid change, flexibility and fluidity are some the characteristics of the SEO game, which continues to change at a frantic pace. The SEO practices once considered the best and most effective are lagging behind and can even be considered damaging for online visibility today.
At the onset of the New Year 2014, let’s see how SEO has changed and what the best practices are to ensure continuous traffic to your website:

How SEO has changed

Google, the leading search engine of the internet changes it’s algorithms nearly 550 times during the year. This only goes to say why the best SEO techniques and practices are always in a state of constant confusion. It is quite difficult to stay updated when things can change at the drop of a hat.

It cannot be denied that Google strives to provide the best, most well researched and accurate results of the client’s searches or queries. The best of Google’s algorithms, modifications and updates over the last year such as Hummingbird, Panda, Penguin, and Caffeinewere all implemented for this goal alone. High quality content creation and great user experience have become pertinent for good website performance. It may still be unclear how Google might change it’s algorithms in the future, but one thing is clear and that is-you have to earn your ranking on the search engine result pages.

Best of the SEO Techniques for 2014

In the present scenario, achieving a strong online presence requires you to put into use a cohesive, multifaceted and integrated SEO strategy. The following aspects should have your attention in order to revamp your SEO plan-

Content Creation

The crux of the matter is that Google ranks content and not companies or brands. When a user runs a search on Google, he is looking for some answers and Google wants to provide him with the best and the most relevant answer to his query. It should be understood here that the more detailed and answer and the more high quality it is in comparison to other answers, the more useful it will be to the Google user. Hence if you come up with content that Google sees as relevant and superior then it will rank better with search engines.

Promotion of your content

You just cannot create good and useful content and leave it at that. The content has to be promoted to be of any use to your website. The following are the ways in which you can effectively promote your content:
• Social Media like Facebook and Twitter
• Public Relations
• Paid Advertising
• Outreach- Reaching out to prominent bloggers
Conversion Optimization

This is important because it can play a role in increasing the return on your investment. There are several ways to do this which include-
• Eliminating problematic features
• Sending out clear messages to your customers so they understand value of what you are offering.
• Offering right content at right time
• Creating easy way through sales strategy
• Making room for future improvements.

Offer great user experience

User experience and website usability are features that are used by Google to study how people interact with websites and this kind of information helps to judge quality of the website.

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