Use These 4 Cutting- Edge Tools to Optimize your Site’s Speed




First published in May 2015, HTTP/2 is one of the latest versions of the World Wide Web protocol.


HTTP/2 allows you to make multiple requests with one connection. Multiplexing is the name of this tool for revolutionary web designers leaving techniques like sprites or Data URIs ineffective.


One of the redesigned aspects of HTTP/2 is the capacity to load several small images at the same time where as the older version (HTTP/1) was only able to load one large image, making the processing much less efficient for its users.


HTTP/2 also simplifies transporting by compressing headers before the requested data is sent. Secondly, the more up to date version is binary and not textual like the previous version. This results in a 50% performance boost.


The most intricate aspect of using HTTP/2 is not using the program but making sure its run with SSL certification. This means your first step towards using HTTP/2 should be an SSL certification.


Once an SSL certificate is obtained incorporating HTTP/2 on your own is only an option if you administer your server. This will also be dependent on your web hosting server or hosting company.




SSL certificates encrypt the connection between the server and the client. You can obtain an SSL certificate easier than you may think, and can be received free with Lets Encrypt.
Basically, Lets Encrypt is a fresh certification authority that left public beta in the middle of April 2016. Lets Encrypt throws away all the manual processing for getting a certificate. Lets Encrypt provides a service that is entirely automated and takes just a couple minutes.



Google last fall revealed Brotli, a new compression algorithm. Mostly, compression algorithms shrink the scale of transported data.


Google declared that stacked up to current solutions, Brotli presents 20-26% better compression rations. Because of this, you can save nearly 40% of your traffic on HTML files and nearly 25% on CSS and Javascript.


Currently, Brotli can be utilized in Chrome, Opera, Firefox, or Edge.


No serves offer Brotli by default at the moment and major serves such as Nginx, Apache and Node.js require packet installation.




A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a group of servers spread out around the world whose main functionality is to connect visitors of your website to the closest server to them allowing for a faster streaming experience.


Since your content is spread throughout different servers this limits the likeliness of your traffic crashing your site providing greater reliability in your site’s functionality.


While sometimes more, the result of a CDN is a website loading on average 50% faster. CDN therefore creates a much more enjoyable experience for its users.

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