How to Choose the Best eCommerce Solution for Your Brand


How to Choose the Best eCommerce Solution for Your Brand



As far as modern eCommerce marketing tools go, a plethora of options is available to the
average user. Depending on preference, the features offered are often similar which makes it
hard to choose which platform to use. We’ve taken the time to do some of the work of searching
through some of them on your behalf.

How to choose the best eCommerce platform?

A clearly defined road map is required when choosing an e-marketing platform. Considering
this, you should ask yourself some questions before making a decision on what to do and on
what platform your products will be hosted.

How many products are you going to sell?

It is important to clearly define the products and services you are offering and in this case the
number of products that would be on your inventory. This gives an idea of how big or how small
the business will be, the choice of platform, fees, and other related costs.

How much control do you want over your store?

The task of running an eCommerce platform can be daunting. You may have to learn the basics
of website design and development depending on your desire for perfection, level of exposure
and experience. The more control you desire the more involved you’d have to be. Whereas
taking a hands-off approach and engaging the services of an already existing platform takes off
some of the burdens. This will allow you to ride on the wings of an already established system
and market space.
Another thing to consider is Search Engine Result Page (SERP), and as explained by TechTarget
“is the list of results a search engine returns in response to a specific word or phrase query. Web
designers and site owners use search engine optimization (SEO) methods to make their sites and
pages appear at or near the top of a SERP”. Hence, bringing increased traffic to their sites and by
extension increased sales.

Does design matter?

It is said that first impressions matter. Would you rather shop on a site that looks drab and has a
poorly designed user-interface or shop on a site that is aesthetically put together and easy to
navigate? If this is important to you, then you should explore the design features each platform
offers to see if they meet your tastes. More often than not, there are free versions and paid
versions that come with different design templates.
Regardless of whether you care about aesthetics, you should consider out-of-the-box
functionality of the site. A robust app store is a necessity. Before choosing a platform to float
your business, ensure that it has the required extensions, modules, and plug-ins you desire. Don't
compromise on the quality you want.

Do you plan to go multi-channel and international?

You will enjoy your platform better if it is integrated with other major online marketplaces such
as Amazon and eBay and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that
boast a lot of traffic.
If you are looking to reach international markets, you have to use an eCommerce platform that
offers payment solutions that cater to both local and international clients. The platform should
also offer a good track record with transaction and payment disputes resolution. Your
eCommerce platform should have payment solutions that will enable your customers to
conveniently carry out business transactions from anywhere in the world.

What about the budget?

No one ventures into a business to make a loss, that's why you should carefully consider the cost
of doing business on the eCommerce platform. That is, the range of services offered compared to
their affordability and the general benefits they provide when deciding on which eCommerce
platform to use. Some platforms charge a fee per item sale, while others offer subscription
packages. Choose a platform that works for your budget. Also, keep in mind that hosted
eCommerce platforms may have lower costs than a self-run open-source one.

What happens if you need help?

Support is always appreciated and a good one brings a sense of ease and confidence as you run
your business. Several hosted eCommerce platforms offer 24/7 customer care services which are
highly appreciated. Some offer it as an add-on for a fee while others have forums that serve to
cater to the needs of the users.

Choosing The Best Ecommerce Platform

WooCommerce, Shopify and Magento are our top three favorite eCommerce platforms. With
numerous similarities, it can be tough for a business owner to decide on which one of them to
use. Here’s an easy tip: compare the features of all three platforms to your business project and
see which one fits the best.
You may have to spend a lot of time comparing and deciding on what platform you should run
your business on. This can be quite difficult for someone who is new to the field. The answers
vary from user to user because of the variance in goals, requirements, and prospects amongst
It is quite common to choose the wrong platform that is not suitable for your business at first and
now you are looking to switch to a better platform. This will also prove difficult as it will require
you to overhaul your existing brand in a way. Well, that's why there are experts available to take
care of that and make the switching process far easier than it would be if you did it all by
yourself. MakDigital Design is the one for the job.
MakDigital Design is a migration platform that specializes in switching e-stores across different
platforms. We have done over 300 migrations and the service is evolving to provide an
unmatchable fast and easy shopping cart movement.
Boost your brand and business today by checking out their amazing services here.
Take advantage of the growth spur and plug your business into a promising eCommerce platform
while options are affordable. This gives you the opportunity to turn-around your business needs
to succeed in leaps and bounds.

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