5 Quick Ways To Boost Your E-commerce Sales
5 Quick Ways To Boost Your E-commerce Sales
2020 is an interesting year, there was January, February and the following months up until now is a big blurry chunk of chaos. Every sector has taken major hits except the e-commerce sector which is home to about 12 – 24 million e-commerce websites globally. That’s huge but guess what, the e-commerce sector has gained even more. Since March this year, people all over the world have had to depend on online stores to come through for their grocery shopping and other necessary items. Several brick-and-mortar store owners had to abandon their stores, some of them made the switch to e-commerce and more people are launching new e-commerce businesses.
Long story short, the already crowded e-commerce space has gained and is gaining more members. While e-commerce growth is a sign that the industry is lucrative, it also means that the competition is high. E-commerce entrepreneurs, especially the medium-to-small scale, are finding it hard to stand out among their competitors. The result of which makes it hard for them to make enough sales.
These following five tips will help you thrive in the highly competitive e-commerce industry.
Pay More Attention to Customer Retention
A common mistake e-commerce business owners make is that they put too much effort into targeting new customers while neglecting their loyal customers. There’s no problem in targeting new customers but when you forget your old and loyal customers, you will eventually have no customer base to depend on. Besides, old customers always prove worthy, they are easier to sell to, they spend more and they are always willing to spread awareness about your business if you encourage them. You encourage your loyal customers by treating them like royalty. Attend to their needs and concerns, care about them, get in touch with them, share exclusive deals with them, and offer incentives regularly. Make them feel like they are part of a community.
Since they’ve already interacted with your brand, you know how to connect with them, you know their demographics, and maybe their personality based on their history with your brand. This makes it easier for you to set up tailored campaigns, newsletters targeting them, and ‘thank you” incentives such as coupon codes even.
Video Marketing is Important
One of the recent e-commerce trends you should jump on right now is video marketing. 81% of e-commerce businesses already use video marketing because of its numerous benefits. There are several ways to infuse video marketing in your business, you can make explainer videos, how-to videos, videos sharing insights and tips, and general fun videos your customer base can connect with. There are no particular rules except to make sure the video is relevant, fun, and the quality is good. You can include videos on your product page –– short videos about each product. For example, if you sell foldable bikes, it will be helpful to make a video that explains how buyers can set up the bike. You can also post videos on social media. Try to be down to earth with the videos, be real, people want to see that the people behind their favorite brand is just like them. One of the benefits of video marketing is YouTube. YouTube is a sister company to Google and it is the second-largest search engine on the internet (if we can call it that). Video SEO targeting YouTube traffic will do wonders do your e-commerce business.
Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
There are about 4 billion people on the internet and around 50% of that population access the internet through their mobile devices; smartphones and tabs. What this means for e-commerce entrepreneurs is that you have to cater to their needs as you do internet users who access the internet through their desktops. It’s that simple, consider them in everything you do. Ask yourself questions such as “how will mobile users use my site”, “will mobile users find it easy to navigate my site”, and other related concerns.
Making your website mobile-responsive and mobile-friendly require expertise so we don’t expect you to do this yourself. Your web designer should ensure that your site is entirely accessible to both desktop and mobile users. Test run to see how responsive your site is on mobile devices; try out different pages and sections on your site to get the full experience of using a mobile device to access your site.
Offer Purchasing Incentives
If you ask some marketers how to grow your e-commerce traffic, they might give you a bunch of advice such as paid ads, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, discounts, etc. Out of the numerous marketing strategies e-commerce business owners can use, the only one they are usually reluctant to practice is to offer their customers discounts. Perhaps, offering purchasing incentives seem like running a loss to them and it is understandable. However, if you want to boost your e-commerce sales, you have to unlearn your reluctance to offer your customers purchase incentives. Everyone loves getting good deals, discounts, and coupons, you do too, so, why are you reluctant to offer your customers the same?
You don’t have to run into a loss to offer purchase incentives, you can be strategic with it. You can offer free shipping or a discount shipping fee on bundle orders, maybe set the bundle to 5 items in your order to get a discount shipping fee or $100 worth of order to get free shipping. Another method is to give buyers coupon codes for their purchase, to be used on another purchase. Make them feel lucky but be strategic with it as well. Before you know it, buyers will start telling their friends and family about your store.
Start seeing purchasing incentives as a marketing investment.
Feature Your Best Products
Everyone needs a little motivation sometimes, buyers do too. Help them see what they need to buy. Put a few of your best products or best-selling products on your landing page, highlight the products so that your customers won’t miss them when they visit your site. Make explainer videos for such products to create a memorable and enticing impression in their mind. The goal is to subconsciously lead them to the products and ultimately push them to buy.
Over To You
With every little step you take towards boosting your e-commerce sales, you get closer to your desired results, so, keep at it. Keep investing your time, money, and resources into learning more about how to grow your e-commerce business. You’re almost there!