July 23, 2019 Breaking It Down: What Really is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

There’s a very high possibility most of you reading this article know what a web application is, scratch that, most of you reading this article know what a web application is. Have you ever been on a website just reading through and you get a message or […]

July 9, 2019 Setting up Google AMP for BigCommerce Stencil

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), are Google’s solution to making websites load faster and smoother, on all mobile devices. This open source project of Google, allows websites to load quickly, and maintain performance. The important thing to take note of, is that fast and responsive websites are shown […]

June 18, 2019 E-commerce SEO Best Practices: 7 Traffic Boosting Tips That Work

”Change is constant”. Some in the e-commerce industry would jokingly argue that change is more constant in the e-commerce industry. The moment you master a trend it slips away, new trends take over and you start learning again. This also applies to SEO. Some years ago, many […]

June 7, 2019 SEO For BigCommerce Developers

BigCommerce SEO is a walk in the park for SEO experts, I mean, that’s why they’re called experts right? However, for developers, SEO probably gives a lot of them a ”here we go again” feeling of no excitement. The concern is, SEO is so important in e-commerce […]

May 7, 2019 3 Key Factors You Need to Know When Changing Your BigCommerce Theme

You own a BigCommerce store, and your theme has grown old and in need of a refresh. Now, as part of your plan to evolve and bring a fresh new look to your store, you want to redesign your site. With the evolving phases of the market […]

March 5, 2019 Creating an E-Commerce Site – The Price Tag

Business owners will need to consider the cost of an E-Commerce website in two cases, a store redesign, or when starting fresh. No matter what the reason behind it is, if the business isn’t aware of all the costs behind designing a website, then things are sure […]

February 5, 2019 Creating a Successful Navigation

An important thing to consider in any e-commerce site is the navigation experience. How does your customer get from point A to point B in the best way possible? This means having it easily accessible, streamlined and to the point, mobile optimized, and look as good as […]

January 28, 2019 Tips to Make Customer’s Feel At Home

One thing customer’s can never get enough of is feeling like their at home. By making a website as welcoming as possible within a businesses means, you can boost sales through customers satisfaction and approval of your site. A proven way to get customers to purchase off […]

January 26, 2019 New BigCommerce Instagram Story Shopping Tool

Great news for BigCommerce store owners, the platform is staying up to date with the latest online shopping advancements by adding support for Instagram Stories. Businesses on BigCommerce can now create Instagram Story ‘Stickers’, which will tag products in an Instagram story with the item’s cost and […]

January 25, 2019 BigCommerce WordPress Plugin

MakDigital Design is proud to be a supporter of the latest and greatest technology in the Ecommerce Industry – with the recent release of the BigCommerce official plugin for WordPress sites. This will be an excellent tool for the progression of ecommerce businesses looking to broaden their […]