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May 2, 2019 Uber Heading Into Ecommerce

Uber Technologies Inc. has an upcoming IPO, where it hopes for an evaluation of over $80 billion dollars. The corporation’s most recent venture is Uber Freight. Basically, between a customer’s house and the e-commerce website from which they purchase from, there is a long distribution chain. Uber […]

April 9, 2019 Paypal’s New Anti-Seller Policy

Paypal is implementing a new policy into it’s system relating to the refund process. On May 7th, 2019, the days of sellers getting purchase fees back after a refund, are permanently gone. The new policy states, “We’re changing how we treat refunds. If you refund (partially or […]

April 4, 2019 What is AMP and How Do You Use it?

Accelerated Mobile Page First thing’s first. What’s an AMP page and why do you need/want it? Taken from the official page – https://www.ampproject.org/learn/overview/, it says “AMP is an open-source library that provides a straightforward way to create web pages that are compelling, smooth, and load near instantaneously […]

March 19, 2019 Using Google to Your Advantage

Some of the most easily accessible shopping on the internet is through most people’s default homepage – Google. For that reason, it is extremely important to use the options available for E-Commerce businesses made for Google, to boost your sales and have a bigger marketplace on the […]

March 5, 2019 Creating an E-Commerce Site – The Price Tag

Business owners will need to consider the cost of an E-Commerce website in two cases, a store redesign, or when starting fresh. No matter what the reason behind it is, if the business isn’t aware of all the costs behind designing a website, then things are sure […]

February 25, 2019 Creating 10/10 Product Pages

So, you’ve got your customer on your site, looking at all the cool, different, and unique, products your business offers. They click on the product page, and are turned away by the lack of captivating details and perhaps an unaesthetic layout to top it all off. The […]

February 20, 2019 E-commerce Strategies to Carry Through 2019

Every year, more and more people switch their primary vehicle of retail consumption from brick and mortar to online stores. Online business is currently taking in over 10% of the money in retail, and is projected to grow 15% more each year. That means there is no […]

February 9, 2019 Steps to Ensure Customer Satisfaction

Customers are the most important part of running a business. However, the objective isn’t just to gain new customers, but also it is just as important to retain the ones who have previously shopped with you. This can be achieved by being pleasant to deal with, having […]

February 8, 2019 Starting a Business From Home

With the progression of retail sales going from mostly brick and mortar, to largely online through E-Commerce businesses, the path to creating a home business has never been clearer. Gone are the days of renting out a location, filling up with tons of stock, and hiring employees. […]

February 7, 2019 Advice New E-commerce Businesses Must Know

So, you have a product, and you want to sell it. You have a basic idea, make a website, do some advertising to get the word spread, and then people buy. Unfortunately for many small business owners, it isn’t that simple. There are a few things every […]


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