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September 2, 2022 Flutter, What Is It, and Its Impact on Software Development Since Its Release

Software development in this age has seen impressive progress that developers from decades ago would be proud to experience. Although, progress comes with new technological challenges. For one, developers now have endless problems to solve and multiple platforms to consider when building applications. Yet stakeholders in the […]

August 29, 2022 What is System Integration and What Are Pros of Each Method

System integration is an automatic data management process that allows multiple systems to interact by sharing information between them seamlessly. Instead of manually developing a means to send data between two or more individual software with different programming languages, a system integrator serves as a connector between […]

August 26, 2022 Reasons to Consider the BigCommerce eCommerce Platform

As an eCommerce vendor, there’s a high chance that you have come across BigCommerce a few times in your search for the best eCommerce platform to build your business on or migrate to. While you might be considering popular names like WooCommerce or Shopify, BigCommerce offerings will […]

August 22, 2022 What Is New Media Marketing

Nowadays, there’s no hold back on where businesses explore to market their brand and products. When you spend a few hours on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, you will come across subtle ad videos that paint a lifestyle picture of brands and products. And […]

August 19, 2022 What is Cyber Security Insurance & Is It For Your Small Business

As a small business owner, if this is your first time reading about cybersecurity insurance then this article is for you. As a small business, you are supposed to prepare for many unwanted experiences and liabilities, but no one prepares you for a cyber security attack. Over […]

August 15, 2022 Why SaaS Review Sites Are Crucial to eCommerce Success

In the B2C sector, customer reviews serve a simple purpose. eCommerce vendors put products online, then customers buy, receive their orders, and leave a review, and this helps other customers with their purchase journey. Unlike B2C, B2B buyers are not easily influenced by other customer reviews. They […]

August 12, 2022 Abandoned Cart And How To Combat Them

The eCommerce industry is in great shape. eCommerce retailers are taking advantage of the new shopping habits many have now. Online retail businesses can now capture more market shares than ever because more people are clicking ads and searching for products online. We are not saying everything […]

August 8, 2022 BigCommerce Blueprint VS Stencil

BigCommerce has two main store theme frameworks, BigCommerce Blueprint and BigCommerce Stencil. Whether you’re an old or new BigCommerce user, you’ve probably come across both frameworks. Blueprint is a BigCommerce legacy theme framework because it has been around for longer, while Stencil was released in 2016. However, […]

August 5, 2022 SaaS, And Why Is It Very Effective For eCommerce Sites

SaaS (Software as a Service) is a major technological trend in eCommerce. It has been rocking the eCommerce sector for a while now. What then is SaaS? A SaaS or ASP (application service provider) model means businesses can get IT needs from an independent IT service provider. […]

August 1, 2022 Legacy Code, What Is It, and How to Effectively Work With It

At the sight of legacy code, developers fall to their knees under an imaginary rain in the middle of the road screaming why me. Well, that’s just to add drama, but really, developers have enough horror stories to tell about their frustrating experience with legacy code. Sometimes, […]


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