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Custom Templates + Webpages:

Services Completed:

Applications & Integrations:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Hosted Libraries
  • Volusion Theme Volusion Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom Branding
  • Featured Product Scroller
  • Modified Shopping Cart
  • Responsive Design
Timewalker Toys Volusion features list

Ask away, we're here to help! Volusion website redesign: Everything You Need to Know About the Transformation

  • Why did decide to redesign their website? sought to modernize their website to align with current eCommerce standards and enhance the user experience. The previous site was outdated, and the redesign aimed to improve functionality, mobile responsiveness, and overall customer engagement.

  • What platform was used for the redesign of

    The redesign of was implemented on the Volusion platform. This choice allowed for improved functionality, custom features, and a more streamlined user experience.

  • What are the new features introduced in the redesigned website?

    The redesigned website includes advanced search functionality, a streamlined checkout process, complex mega navigation, custom branding, a featured product scroller, and a responsive design optimized for mobile devices.

  • How does the new responsive design benefit users?

    The responsive design ensures that performs optimally on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. This enhances the browsing and shopping experience for users, making it easier to navigate and complete purchases from any device.

  • What improvements were made to the product pages?

    Product pages now feature enriched content, including high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and videos. These enhancements provide a comprehensive view of the products, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.

  • How did the redesign impact the checkout process?

    The checkout process was streamlined to reduce cart abandonment and improve conversion rates. The new design includes a modified shopping cart and simplified steps to complete purchases quickly and efficiently.

  • What custom features were added to enhance the user experience?

    Custom features such as a featured product scroller, complex mega navigation, and tailored branding elements were integrated to improve navigation, highlight key products, and create a visually appealing shopping environment.

  • How has the redesign positioned in the market?

    The redesign has positioned as a forward-thinking and customer-focused destination for one-sixth scale collectibles enthusiasts. The modernized website aligns with industry standards and exceeds customer expectations, reinforcing their reputation as a leading retailer in the collectibles niche.

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