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NDZ Perfomance BigCommerce Case Study

Custom Features & Functionality

  • Complex Mega Navigation
  • Custom React component for the product page configurator for engravable products
NDZ Performance BigCommerce features list

Ask away, we're here to help! Volusion to BigCommerce Migration: Everything You Need to Know About the NDZ Performance Website Transformatio

  • Why did NDZ Performance decide to migrate from Volusion to BigCommerce?

    NDZ Performance recognized that their outdated Volusion platform lacked the multi-functionality and modern features needed to support their growing business. BigCommerce offered a more robust and scalable solution to help them continue to expand and compete in the market.

  • What were the main goals of the NDZ Performance website migration and redesign?

    The main goals were to create a modern, user-friendly website with improved functionality, faster speeds, and an updated design. The migration aimed to provide a better user experience and enhance NDZ Performance's online presence.

  • How did MAKDigital approach the migration and redesign for NDZ Performance?

    MAKDigital started by evaluating the limitations of the existing Volusion platform and identifying the best solutions. They then migrated the website to BigCommerce and redesigned the entire site, including new category pages, product pages, and a homepage, to improve functionality and user experience.

  • What specific technologies and integrations were used in the redesign?

    The redesign utilized BigCommerce Stencil Technology, Rewind Data Backups & Security, Searchanise for search functionality, Elfsight for social media integration, Google Reviews, PayPal for payments, and for the loyalty program.

  • What custom features and functionalities were implemented?

    Custom features included complex mega navigation, a custom React component for the product page configurator for engravable products, and new categories such as “Trending Now” and “New Products” to attract customers to the latest offerings.

  • How did the new website design reflect NDZ Performance's brand identity?

    The new design incorporated a modern aesthetic with improved navigation, making it easier for customers to find products. The custom features and streamlined layout provided a user-friendly experience that aligned with NDZ Performance’s commitment to quality and innovation.

  • What improvements were seen after the website launch?

    The updated website provided a more efficient and enjoyable user experience, improved search engine visibility through SEO enhancements, and increased online presence and sales for NDZ Performance. Customers found it easier to navigate the site and complete purchases.

  • How did the partnership with MAKDigital benefit NDZ Performance?

    The partnership allowed NDZ Performance to leverage MAKDigital’s expertise in eCommerce development and digital marketing. The successful migration and redesign positioned NDZ Performance for continued growth and success in the competitive firearms industry.

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