Simple Ways to Start An Apparel Company If you find yourself constantly thinking about creating clothing designs, launching and selling clothes, chances are this is your passion and you have to try it. What’s the worst that can happen? You learn new skills, […]
When Is The Right Time To Start Using 3rd Party Shipping Software? As a startup business owner, you will face several challenges that come with the terrain. Your response to the challenges will determine whether your business will scale up or will keep […]
Reasons Why E-commerce Startups Fail The e-commerce industry is a lucrative one, it provides an alternative source of income for many people. For so many people, the e-commerce sector is their major source of income, and given the continuous growth of the industry, […]
When Should You Change Your Ecommerce Platform? It is not uncommon for businesses to go through structural changes after they’ve been in operation for a few years. In fact, it is expected that after some years of running, you are supposed to assess […]
5 Ways Brands Can Win In The new Ecommerce World In this new age of commerce, even though it seems like the e-commerce industry has taken over, in-store sales still dominate. Most buyers still prefer to make their purchases in on-site stores. Particularly in […]
Redirecting Images When Redesigning or Migrating a Website Whether it be during redesigning or CMS migrations, from an SEO angle, websites can be tough to handle. It gets tougher for large and compound sites that are made with many moving parts. In typical situations, web designers and […]
SMS Marketing: What Is It And Why Should You Be Doing It Most people think of SMS as an old-school way of communicating and they are not totally wrong. However, SMS has remained relevant over the years blending well with newer methods of communicating. […]
Truly Understanding Your Customer’s Preferences Through A/B Testing If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, chances are that you have heard or stumbled on the term called A/B testing. A/B testing is one of the strategies that can help improve conversion rates, return on ad […]
Writing and Promoting the Best Return and Refund Policy Your Customers Will Appreciate Knowing how to write and promote a return policy that your customers love is an important component of a business. This is because such a return policy helps to give your […]
How to Choose the Best eCommerce Solution for Your Brand As far as modern eCommerce marketing tools go, a plethora of options is available to the average user. Depending on preference, the features offered are often similar which makes it hard to choose which […]