BigCommerce v2 to v3 Migration Guide: When Is It the Right Time?

BigCommerce v2 to v3 Migration Guide: When Is It the Right Time?

In 2019, BigCommerce introduced a game-changer: the Catalog v3 API. This update transformed online stores by boosting API accessibility, which is a set of definitions and protocols that allow one application to communicate with another, opening up opportunities for seamless integration and automation. Additionally, the update streamlined […]

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Dick Pond Athletics BigCommerce Website Redesign By MAK Digital

Dick Pond Athletics BigCommerce Website Redesign By MAK Digital

Who is Dick Pond Athletics? Dick Pond Athletics is a haven for runners and wrestlers of all levels. Whether you’re chasing personal bests on the track, conquering cross-country courses, or dominating the wrestling mat, Dick Pond Athletics has everything you need to perform your best. Coaches and […]

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Website Redesign vs. Refresh: Which Approach is Right for You?

Website Redesign vs. Refresh: Which Approach is Right for You?

At MAK Digital, we understand the challenges brands face when deciding between a website redesign and a refresh. The state of your current website plays a major role in providing a high-quality user experience. Search engine optimization is crucial in both redesign and refresh scenarios to ensure […]

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Ecommerce SEO Site Audit: Optimize Your Store in just 60 mins

Ecommerce SEO Site Audit: Optimize Your Store in just 60 mins

At MAK Digital, we recognized early on in our journey as an eCommerce SEO agency that accurately diagnosing issues before proposing solutions is paramount. We take pride in our precision and unwavering attention to detail. Misguided SEO strategies can result in significant losses in traffic and revenue. […]

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TikTok Ads for eCommerce: What You Need to Know to Dominate the Market

TikTok Ads for eCommerce: What You Need to Know to Dominate the Market

Introduction The digital marketplace is bustling, and eCommerce sales are crucial for businesses looking to thrive in this space. Effective advertising strategies play a pivotal role in this success by driving growth and attracting customers. Among these strategies, TikTok ads stand out as a dynamic resource for […]

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Local SEO for eCommerce: Attract Local Customers & Boost Sales

Local SEO for eCommerce: Attract Local Customers & Boost Sales

In eCommerce, businesses often focus on national or global markets. However, local SEO is an untapped goldmine for many online stores. This guide will cover essential eCommerce SEO strategies to optimize local search. Optimizing for local search can attract nearby customers, driving foot traffic to physical locations […]

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INP: Enhancing Web Interactivity as a New Core Web Vital

INP: Enhancing Web Interactivity as a New Core Web Vital

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) officially became a Core Web Vital and replaced First Input Delay (FID) on March 12, 2024. This significant update marked a new chapter in the evolution of web performance metrics, reflecting Google’s commitment to improving user experience. The Web Vitals program had […]

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Platform Migration Strategies: How to Seamlessly Transition Your Website

Platform Migration Strategies: How to Seamlessly Transition Your Website

In the constantly shifting digital landscape, your website stands as the virtual face of your brand, a portal through which you connect with your audience and mold their perceptions. However, as your business evolves and your needs morph, the platform that once perfectly accommodated your online presence […]

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Medical Suppliers Web Design: Why Suppliers Trust MAK Digital

Medical Suppliers Web Design: Why Suppliers Trust MAK Digital

In the medical supplies industry, a strong online presence is crucial. Here at MAK Digital Design, we understand this importance. We specialize in crafting bespoke web solutions tailored specifically for medical supply companies . From seamless eCommerce platform migrations to transformative website redesigns, we’re committed to elevating […]

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How to Use Emotional Triggers in Your eCommerce Design for More Conversions

How to Use Emotional Triggers in Your eCommerce Design for More Conversions

Emotional triggers play a pivotal role in eCommerce design, influencing how customers perceive products and make decisions. These triggers can significantly boost conversions by tapping into feelings that drive purchasing behavior. The strategic use of colors, images, and language creates a powerful connection with shoppers, nudging them […]

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