After Matt Cutts declared that links are bad/ over/ dead, many clients develop an assumption that spending on SEO and link building is of no use. This leads them to enact haphazard decisions and loosing great traffic. Even in 2014, many websites lost their SEO results with […]
The Tripod for Quality Content is Mellowing News, opinion and humor are the three kinds of quality content that are comparatively easier to produce and draw lot of interest for casual seekers. However, in the past few years the effectiveness of these quality content options are flattening […]
Allow your jaw to become unhinged at this statistic: There are over 1 million more mobile devices activated every day across the world than there are babies born. Yeah, mind = blown. Indeed, designing with a mobile-first mindset becomes more important — quite literally — by the […]
This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series CSS Architectures CSS Architectures CSS Architectures: Principles of Code Cleanup CSS Architectures: New Best Practices CSS Architectures: Scalable and Modular Approaches CSS Architectures: Refactor Your CSS All too often, the CSS for major (and minor) websites is […]
Responsive Design in 3 Steps Responsive web design is no doubt a big thing now. If you still not familiar with responsive design, check out the list of responsive sites that I recently posted. To newbies, responsive design might sound a bit complicated, but it is actually […]