7 Tips To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

7 Tips To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

Mobile Friendly Sites Make sure your site is mobile friendly. Make sure your site is responsive. Make sure your mobile customers are being looked after. That’s old hat. Simply being “mobile friendly” isn’t enough these days. With more customers suing their phones to make purchases, it’s time […]

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Creating Your First Shopify Theme Section

Creating Your First Shopify Theme Section

Creating Your First Shopify Theme Section

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Embedding an Instagram feed, how it's done?

Embedding an Instagram feed, how it’s done?

A popular tactic for marketing to reach audiences is social media. Instagram is one such platform. It can help bridge gaps between two parties and is growing its user base at a rapid rate. Instagram serves marketing purposes that extend beyond even it’s own app. So as […]

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Tutorial : Setting up an Instagram account for your business

Tutorial : Setting up an Instagram account for your business

Over 300 million active accounts are on Instagram, so it isn’t just a niche social networking site anymore; it’s a force to be reckoned with, and one that your business should certainly use. It’s a streamlined platform that drops the features of competing social network sites and […]

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BREAKING : New BuzzFeed Channel for Shopify

BREAKING : New BuzzFeed Channel for Shopify

Just recently, Shopify is making a partnership with BuzzFeed to make it easier for your products to reach BuzzFeed’s editors. The brand new BuzzFeed channel will allow you to easily tag your product for the BuzzFeed editors to easily search and find your product, to consider featuring […]

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Facebook Messenger: Your Ultimate Customer Support Tool?

Facebook Messenger: Your Ultimate Customer Support Tool?

Could Facebook Messenger Be Your Ultimate Customer Support Tool? Facebook has been putting a lot of time and resources into its Messenger application, banking on the fact that eCommerce businesses will do the same. Facebook’s plan is to turn its Messenger app into a one stop customer […]

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BigCommerce Merchants Can Now Sell on Pinterest

BigCommerce Merchants Can Now Sell on Pinterest

We’re excited to announce that Pinterest now offers Buyable Pins on Pinterest that provide shoppers with the ability to browse and purchase products directly on Pinterest. The feature has already rolled out to all stores in the U.S. and will appear in the control panel when you […]

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#Instagram Hashtags: Don't Over Use

#Instagram Hashtags: Don’t Over Use

The word “hashtag” was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2014. It’s rapid increasing use is a train to jump on board! In case you don’t know what a hashtag is, it’s a word or phrase preceded by a pound sign that is used to identify specific […]

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Snapchat and Ecommerce Brands: Tips to Snap to It!

Snapchat and Ecommerce Brands: Tips to Snap to It!

There’s millions and millions of social networks, all networking at once. It may be a little overwhelming since new social medias are being created daily. As social media marketers, even we can be a bit overwhelmed by all the social networks that seemingly pop up out of […]

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The Rise of Emojis in Marketing and How to Use Them :)

The Rise of Emojis in Marketing and How to Use Them :)

There’s been an “epidemic” use of emoji usage in marketing and business. Emojis, the stylized ideograms of anything from a train to a smiley face to a lady dancing, are becoming increasingly popular even among digital marketers. Stay up-to-date, it’s time to start thinking about how you […]

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