November 8, 2018 Creating Your First Shopify Theme Section

Give Your Client Control Client’s really like having creative control when they want to customize their store. Certainly, you can please your clients by ensuring they have creative control. Therefore; using Shopify’s section options are powerful tools that will enable your client to personalize their site. User-Friendly […]

July 12, 2016 Boosting Website User Engagement

Regardless of your target market, there’s never going to be a shortage of online competition. You’re always going to be in a continuous fierce battle for the attention of online visitors and you need to be prepared. All websites are built with a specific purpose in mind, […]

May 17, 2016 5 Strategic Ways to Optimize Your Mobile Conversion

Low mobile conversion rates are one of the biggest factors that prevent eCommerce brands from being able to grow to their full potential. There’s a good chance your website is not optimized to convert mobile traffic since mobile conversion rates are still lagging behind desktops across our […]

April 8, 2016 7 Ways to Ruin a Responsive Design

The demand for a responsive design is at an all time high with Google and other places increasing focus on requiring one for mobile search. This blog will help you with the Do’s and Don’ts when in charge of a responsive design.   Top 7 Ways You […]

January 12, 2016 Six SEO Rules for 2016

Years ago, you could simply beef-ed up your headlines with keywords for an effective SEO. But over the years, the effective rules for SEO have shifted. Marketers must have more than just powerful investments in their content. According to an August 2015 study on the future of […]

January 7, 2016 A Quick History of How Marketers Have Adapted on Facebook

Facebook has changed over the years. It has come a long way since first launching in the dorm rooms of Harvard, almost 12 years ago. Originally had no ads, no pages, and no newsfeed. Three features that make up the social media experience today, were not even […]

January 7, 2016 5 Simple SEO Resolutions for Online Businesses in 2016

New Year’s is famous for all these resolutions we make for ourselves. How we can improve our health, body, and mind. Something about the New Year makes us want to become a better version of ourselves, even if only for a moment. You must set realistic goals, […]

October 19, 2015 Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2015: Four Tips to Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy

The year has gone rather quickly to say the least and the holidays are approaching just as fast along with the biggest shopping days of the year. Black Friday falls on November 28th and to follow December 1st. In the post from last year, Social Media’s Influence […]