E-commerce Tips To Help Boost Your Sales On Cyber Monday In a few weeks time, it will be Cyber Monday, and it will come with a rush like never before, in which many e-commerce stores will benefit from. Prior to 2005, Black Friday was […]
Getting Your E-Commerce Store Prepared For Black Friday and Cyber Monday We are a few weeks away from the biggest shopping season of the year – Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which both occur in November every year. It is the biggest shopping season […]
SEO Guide For Developers It is not the duty of developers to do SEO, instead, their primary duty is to ensure that websites are SEO-ready. What that means is that SEO and what it entails is controlled by developers. The influence that developers have over […]
Outside the Box SEO with SXO The days of formulaic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are long gone. While before SEO was rooted in meeting guidelines set by the bots Google uses to crawl through sites, now it is more about pleasing users. The latest S.E.O guidelines […]
Managing Redirects the Right Way When businesses go through site migrations, redirects are an important topic to be discussed. When working with redirects, it is incredibly easy to have things go wrong. However, when done right, they can be of tremendous benefit to the site’s […]
”Change is constant”. Some in the e-commerce industry would jokingly argue that change is more constant in the e-commerce industry. The moment you master a trend it slips away, new trends take over and you start learning again. This also applies to SEO. Some years ago, many […]
Some of the most easily accessible shopping on the internet is through most people’s default homepage – Google. For that reason, it is extremely important to use the options available for E-Commerce businesses made for Google, to boost your sales and have a bigger marketplace on the […]
Business owners will need to consider the cost of an E-Commerce website in two cases, a store redesign, or when starting fresh. No matter what the reason behind it is, if the business isn’t aware of all the costs behind designing a website, then things are sure […]
So, you’ve got your customer on your site, looking at all the cool, different, and unique, products your business offers. They click on the product page, and are turned away by the lack of captivating details and perhaps an unaesthetic layout to top it all off. The […]
Every year, more and more people switch their primary vehicle of retail consumption from brick and mortar to online stores. Online business is currently taking in over 10% of the money in retail, and is projected to grow 15% more each year. That means there is no […]